"Love at Winter Time" de Iria Alexandra Cardoso | Apontamentos

Olá, sussurros!

Feliz Natal!

Espero que esta segunda-feira seja a premissa para uns dias em grande. Espero que tenham um Feliz Natal e que estejam com aqueles que mais amam nesta época festiva. Espero que recebam tudo o que desejam e que nenhuma aflição vos entristeça. 

Obrigada por mais um ano aí desse lado. E já são três!


Este ano não escrevi nenhum texto natalício, mas fica aqui um texto da minha autoria, inspirado por "A Court of Wings and Ruin" de Sarah J. Maas. 

Título: "Love at Winter Time" de Iria Alexandra Cardoso

There is a love stronger than the longest night, stronger than darkness, stronger than pure evil.

There is a love made for the hardest, for the saddest, for the ones that sacrifice their own happiness to see their people safe.

There is a love that transcends touch, that transcends kinds, that transcends magic.

Beautiful as the stars, beautiful as the light of the sun, beautiful as the light breeze that runs on the surface of the river.

The blood boils when together, like sizzling embers coming to life as the hearts thrum, the static electricity prickling the skin and the air becomes thick when chests heave.

Their love is bright, their love is dark, their love is pure, deep like the sea, raging like the storms, steady as the sun in the sky... It warms the coldest night at Winter time.

Their love is a bond, untouched, unbreakable, unyilding... 

The strongest of them all.

De: Iria Alexandra Cardoso

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A vossa sussurradora...

Ps: Imagem Pinterest.


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